02 декабря 2011 15:59

4.7-magnitude earthquake recorded 96 km from Almaty


The map showing epicenter of the earthquake. Photo courtesy of emsc-csem.org The map showing epicenter of the earthquake. Photo courtesy of emsc-csem.org

On December 2 at 6:24 a.m. (Astana time) 4.7-magnitude earthquake hit Kyrgyzstan, Tengrinews.kz reports citing the European-Mediterranean Seismological Center. The epicenter was at the depth of 2 km, 96 km south-west of Almaty and 19 km north-east of Balykchi city of Issyk-Kul oblast. No casualties were reported. According to Kazakhstan Emergency Situations Department, the quake was felt in Almaty as a 2-magnitude one. On November 30 the quake was registered at the border of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. 3.6-magnitude shocks happened 131 km from Almaty and 17 km from Tuyup, Kyrgyzstan.

On December 2 at 6:24 a.m. (Astana time) 4.7-magnitude earthquake hit Kyrgyzstan, Tengrinews.kz reports citing the European-Mediterranean Seismological Center. The epicenter was at the depth of 2 km, 96 km south-west of Almaty and 19 km north-east of Balykchi city of Issyk-Kul oblast. No casualties were reported. According to Kazakhstan Emergency Situations Department, the quake was felt in Almaty as a 2-magnitude one. On November 30 the quake was registered at the border of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. 3.6-magnitude shocks happened 131 km from Almaty and 17 km from Tuyup, Kyrgyzstan.
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