site.news_by_theme study
Sex, pregnancy poorly understood by women: US study
Women are often in the dark when it comes to basic facts about sex, fertility, pregnancy and their own reproductive health, according to a US study Monday.
28 January 2014
US kids read little on e-readers, tablets: study
Two-thirds of young children in the United States now have access to an e-reader or tablet, but only half of them actually use the device to read.
24 January 2014
Texting while walking impairs stride, poses risks: study
Texting while walking impairs a person's ability to follow a straight line and keep a normal pace, and may pose risks to pedestrians according to a study out.
23 January 2014
For sharks, old age may be 70 or more: study
Great white sharks may live until their 70s, more than three times as long as previously thought, according to a new analysis of the marine predator's backbones out Wednesday.
14 January 2014
Land bulge clue to aviation threat from volcanoes
Bulging in land that occurs before a volcano erupts points to how much ash will be spewed into the sky, providing a useful early warning for aviation.
14 January 2014
Facebook dominates in US rush to social networking
The surge into social networks is gaining pace among Americans, with Facebook dominating but with many people using multiple platforms, a study showed Monday.
31 December 2013
Liver and let die: James Bond was an alcoholic - study
"A dry martini. Just hand it to me, and I'll do the shaking myself."
13 December 2013
Men and women's brains are wired differently: study
Women aren't very good at reading maps, and men are incapable of multi-tasking.
04 December 2013
Mice research brings male contraceptive pill closer
A contraceptive pill for men has moved one step closer after Australian researchers successfully made male mice infertile.
03 December 2013
Bolashak scholarship - opportunity for children of unemployed or retired
Bolashak scholarship gave an opportunity to children of unemployed and retired Kazakhstan nationals to study abroad.
30 November 2013
Recessions linked to cognitive decline in later life
People who go through an economic recession at the peak of their working life suffer a risk of cognitive decline in later years, a study suggested on Wednesday.
21 November 2013
Species protection needed at 78 sites: study
A scientific study out Thursday identifies 78 sites worldwide in dire need of environmental protection because they harbor species that could go extinct.
15 November 2013
Legatum Institute sees Kazakhstan as most prosperous post-soviet country
Kazakhstan has been rated No. 47 in the 2013 prosperity index of Legatum international research institute.
12 November 2013
Ozone pact helped cool the planet: study
A slowdown in global warming that climate sceptics cite in favour of their cause was partly induced by one of the world's most successful environment treaties, a study said on Sunday.
11 November 2013
Gym not for you? Easy home tasks also help heart: study
Mowing the lawn or washing the car are among simple activities that can reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke by almost 30 percent in people over 60.
29 October 2013
Niger leads pack making progress on child mortality: NGO
Niger has made the most progress worldwide on reducing child mortality since 1990..
23 October 2013
Americans warm to online dating, survey shows
Americans are growing more comfortable with online dating, and many are finding a spouse or partner in cyberspace.
21 October 2013
Skull discovery suggests early man was single species
A stunningly well-preserved skull from 1.8 million years ago offers new evidence that early man was a single species with a vast array of different looks.
19 October 2013
New Global Slavery Index estimates 30 million affected
An estimated 30 million people worldwide are living in modern-day slavery.
18 October 2013
Get richer, die younger: study
We all live longer when times are good, right?
08 October 2013