Australian prime minister dodges another sandwich Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard was forced to dodge a flying sandwich for the second time this month Thursday when someone's salami lunch was flung at her during a school visit.
30 May 2013
S. Korean cram schools probed over US test scandal South Korean officials on Monday launched a probe into cram schools after a cheating scandal that led to the nationwide cancellation of US college entrance exams earlier this month.
27 May 2013
Greek teachers drop strike plans during exam period Greek school teachers early on Thursday abandoned plans to hold a strike during university entry exams after the government enacted an emergency decree to force them back to work.
Canadian astronaut floats through chat with kids The Canadian commander of the International Space Station delighted schoolchildren in a live question and answer session conducted from space on Friday.
Croatia Catholic Church in anti-sex education campaign Freshly introduced sexual education classes in Croatia's schools has split the EU-bound country as the powerful Catholic Church challenges the centre-left government over its newest addition to the curriculum.
Gun lobby slams 'elitist hypocrite' Obama The US gun lobby lashed out at President Barack Obama Tuesday as an "elitist hypocrite" for providing Secret Service protection to his daughters but balking at having armed guards in all schools.
16 January 2013
First Kazakh school opened in U.S.The school was opened in Houston, Texas, under the aegis of Shanyraq Foundation; Kazakhs in Houston eager to introduce their children to the native culture.
Gun lobby takes aim at Biden's guns task force The top US firearms lobby emerged from talks with Vice President Joe Biden on curbing violence Thursday saying he cared more about stamping out gun rights than protecting school kids.
12 January 2013
US school massacre survivors ready for class Students at the elementary school where a gunman massacred 26 children and teachers last month were returning Thursday to classes at an alternative campus described by police as "the safest school in America."
04 January 2013
US teachers take up arms to prevent mass shootings Several US states are considering allowing school teachers to carry weapons, and educators, determined not to allow a repeat of the Newtown massacre, are flocking to training sessions.
29 December 2012
US gun sales soar as owners fear new regulations US firearm sales have sky-rocketed since the Newtown school massacre, as debate over gun control rages and enthusiasts fear certain assault weapons and high-capacity magazines could be banned.
26 December 2012
US gun lobby urges armed police in every school The United States' most powerful pro-gun lobbying group demanded Friday that armed police be deployed to every school in the country following a mass shooting that left 20 young children dead.
US boy, 11, brings gun to class after massacre An 11-year-old boy has been charged with possessing a deadly weapon after bringing a gun to school, claiming he was worried about a massacre like Connecticut's.