
river site.news_by_theme

Women suffer behind veil of silence in Mali's north
Women suffer behind veil of silence in Mali's north
UFO will be raised from bottom of Ural River in West Kazakhstan
UFO will be raised from bottom of Ural River in West Kazakhstan
VIDEO: Kazakhstan fire-fighter rescued three drowning children
VIDEO: Kazakhstan fire-fighter rescued three drowning children
Threat of flooding remains in the Southern Kazakhstan
Threat of flooding remains in the Southern Kazakhstan
New dams built in South Kazakhstan after Syrdarya floods
New dams built in South Kazakhstan after Syrdarya floods
Ecologists to estimate pollution of East Kazakhstan rivers with cyanides within 10 days
Ecologists to estimate pollution of East Kazakhstan rivers with cyanides within 10 days
PHOTO: Rafting championship took place on Turgen River near Almaty
PHOTO: Rafting championship took place on Turgen River near Almaty