
Marchenko site.news_by_theme

Central Bank Governor on the upside and downside of the suggested single pension fund
Central Bank Governor on the upside and downside of the suggested single pension fund
National Bank shouldn’t act as both the owner and regulator of the single pension fund: Gregory Marchenko
National Bank shouldn’t act as both the owner and regulator of the single pension fund: Gregory Marchenko
Kazakhstan National Bank's 2013 inflation and GDP forecasts
Kazakhstan National Bank's 2013 inflation and GDP forecasts
Kazakhstan businessmen avoid POS-terminals, Marchenko concerned
Kazakhstan businessmen avoid POS-terminals, Marchenko concerned
Central Bank Governor Gregory Marchenko refuses to comment on efforts to raise retirement age
Central Bank Governor Gregory Marchenko refuses to comment on efforts to raise retirement age
Toughening of the country’s retirement legislation may cause social tensions
Toughening of the country’s retirement legislation may cause social tensions
Central Bank Governor reports to President Nazarbayev
Central Bank Governor reports to President Nazarbayev
Almaty rallies against Marchenko's retiremen age initiative
Almaty rallies against Marchenko's retiremen age initiative
Marchenko keeps advocating raise of retirement age in Kazakhstan
Marchenko keeps advocating raise of retirement age in Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan’s Central Bank Governor criticizing those taking consumer loans
Kazakhstan’s Central Bank Governor criticizing those taking consumer loans
Disposable income earners ready to participate in the People’s IPO make up 10 000 – 20 000: Central Bank Governor
Disposable income earners ready to participate in the People’s IPO make up 10 000 – 20 000: Central Bank Governor
Kazakhstan’s international reserves grow to $85.5 billion
Kazakhstan’s international reserves grow to $85.5 billion
Kazakhstan’s Central Bank Governor tasked with further reforming the pension system
Kazakhstan’s Central Bank Governor tasked with further reforming the pension system
Marchenko among world's top central bankers
Marchenko among world's top central bankers
Central Bank Governor on the tenge and growing demand for the US Dollar
Central Bank Governor on the tenge and growing demand for the US Dollar
Kazakhstan Central Bank Governor on slashing the key rate
Kazakhstan Central Bank Governor on slashing the key rate
Kazakhstan’s gross foreign debt as of March 31, 2012 stood at $129.3 billion
Kazakhstan’s gross foreign debt as of March 31, 2012 stood at $129.3 billion
Kazakhstan Central Bank’s Governor on economic prospects
Kazakhstan Central Bank’s Governor on economic prospects
National Bank’s Governor doesn’t rule out further slashing down the key rate
National Bank’s Governor doesn’t rule out further slashing down the key rate
Kazakhstan to shortly ban Ponzi schemes
Kazakhstan to shortly ban Ponzi schemes