
Kazakhstan site.news_by_theme

Kazakhstan’s 2010 GDP exceeded combined GDP of 4 Central Asia states twofold
Kazakhstan’s 2010 GDP exceeded combined GDP of 4 Central Asia states twofold
Nazarbayev calls for international legal framework for the global information space
Nazarbayev calls for international legal framework for the global information space
Some of new harvest grain will have to be stored in the fields
Some of new harvest grain will have to be stored in the fields
Kulibayev and President of Nazarbayev University signed cooperation memorandum
Kulibayev and President of Nazarbayev University signed cooperation memorandum
PHOTO: Stars on red carpet of Eurasia film festival in Almaty
PHOTO: Stars on red carpet of Eurasia film festival in Almaty
Kazakhstani sportswoman became World Powerlifting champion
Kazakhstani sportswoman became World Powerlifting champion
Podobedova set new weight-lifting world record
Podobedova set new weight-lifting world record
Nazarbayev met with President of Cyprus and head of ExxonMobil
Nazarbayev met with President of Cyprus and head of ExxonMobil
Unprecedented grain harvest since 1950
Unprecedented grain harvest since 1950
Kazakhstan to introduce annual re-registration for foreign religious missionaries
Kazakhstan to introduce annual re-registration for foreign religious missionaries
PHOTO: Flipped-over 30-ton fuel truck claimed driver's life in Semei
PHOTO: Flipped-over 30-ton fuel truck claimed driver's life in Semei
Kazakhstan is ready to face new financial crisis: Massimov
Kazakhstan is ready to face new financial crisis: Massimov
Bernd Storck stopped coaching Kazakhstan junior football team
Bernd Storck stopped coaching Kazakhstan junior football team
Caspionet started broadcasting in the U.S.
Caspionet started broadcasting in the U.S.
Joint training of CSTO forces started in Kyrgyzstan
Joint training of CSTO forces started in Kyrgyzstan
External debt of the Kazakhstan’s banking sector shrank by $30 billion
External debt of the Kazakhstan’s banking sector shrank by $30 billion
Two people killed by fuel explosion in Almaty
Two people killed by fuel explosion in Almaty
Hippie fest to be held in Almaty
Hippie fest to be held in Almaty
Nazarbayev to visit New York on September 20-22
Nazarbayev to visit New York on September 20-22
Kazakhstan writer won a prestigious literary award
Kazakhstan writer won a prestigious literary award