
India site.news_by_theme

PHOTO: Almaty ArtbatFest confronted world end in 2012
PHOTO: Almaty ArtbatFest confronted world end in 2012
Kazakhstan tennis professional won second ITF series tournament in a row
Kazakhstan tennis professional won second ITF series tournament in a row
Kazakhstan woman beat up three road policemen in India
Kazakhstan woman beat up three road policemen in India
Return to A and Gakku to represent Kazakhstan in Goa Film festival
Return to A and Gakku to represent Kazakhstan in Goa Film festival
Nazarbayev supports India and Pakistan's entering SCO
Nazarbayev supports India and Pakistan's entering SCO
U.S. IFPRI seeks to reduce micronutrient malnutrition among poor populations
U.S. IFPRI seeks to reduce micronutrient malnutrition among poor populations
India mulls exporting nuclear reactors to Kazakhstan
India mulls exporting nuclear reactors to Kazakhstan
India-Pakistan conflict will not hinder them from SCO
India-Pakistan conflict will not hinder them from SCO
India to discuss energy transit from Central Asia at SCO summit
India to discuss energy transit from Central Asia at SCO summit
India's giant killer Mamata is 'sister' to fans
India's giant killer Mamata is 'sister' to fans