
DNA site.news_by_theme

Spaniards bet on slimmed-down 'Fat One' Christmas jackpot
Spaniards bet on slimmed-down 'Fat One' Christmas jackpot
Japanese switched at birth would like to 'roll back clock'
Japanese switched at birth would like to 'roll back clock'
New study points finger at climate in mammoth's demise
New study points finger at climate in mammoth's demise
DNA flaw boosts cancer risk from diabetes: study
DNA flaw boosts cancer risk from diabetes: study
Britain pushes ahead with 'three-parent' fertility technique
Britain pushes ahead with 'three-parent' fertility technique
Human DNA not patentable: US Supreme Court
Human DNA not patentable: US Supreme Court
Gene clues for testicular cancer, heart defect
Gene clues for testicular cancer, heart defect
Scientist's DNA letter to son fetches $6 million
Scientist's DNA letter to son fetches $6 million
Mandela's ex-wife 'shocked' over possible death probe
Mandela's ex-wife 'shocked' over possible death probe
'Underground Galapagos' excites scientists
'Underground Galapagos' excites scientists
Paraguay ex-president to take paternity test
Paraguay ex-president to take paternity test
Brussels calls for DNA tests, EU police in horsemeat crisis
Brussels calls for DNA tests, EU police in horsemeat crisis
DNA shows ancestry of present-day Asians, Native Americans
DNA shows ancestry of present-day Asians, Native Americans
DNA test sheds light on mystery deaths
DNA test sheds light on mystery deaths
Threatened shark species turning up in US restaurants: study
Threatened shark species turning up in US restaurants: study