
China site.news_by_theme

Chinese hospital seeks virgins' blood
Chinese hospital seeks virgins' blood
Four Chinese ships in disputed waters: Japan
Four Chinese ships in disputed waters: Japan
Early childhood deaths halved since 1990: report
Early childhood deaths halved since 1990: report
China to finance Kazakhstan’s share of investments into Kashagan
China to finance Kazakhstan’s share of investments into Kashagan
Science ministers of Kazakhstan and China discuss cooperation
Science ministers of Kazakhstan and China discuss cooperation
China appoints new ambassador to Kazakhstan
China appoints new ambassador to Kazakhstan
China suggests settlements in local currencies to Kazakhstan
China suggests settlements in local currencies to Kazakhstan
Xi Jinping on restoration of Silk Road
Xi Jinping on restoration of Silk Road
Nazarbayev and Xi Jinping launch Beineu-Bozoi gas pipeline
Nazarbayev and Xi Jinping launch Beineu-Bozoi gas pipeline
Kazakhstan to provide shortest optic route to Europe for China
Kazakhstan to provide shortest optic route to Europe for China
China does not seek regional domination: Xi Jinping
China does not seek regional domination: Xi Jinping
China promises 30 thousand scholarships to SCO countries
China promises 30 thousand scholarships to SCO countries
Olympics: For Chinese media, WWII overshadows Tokyo 2020
Olympics: For Chinese media, WWII overshadows Tokyo 2020
China among world's top three investors in 2012: govt
China among world's top three investors in 2012: govt
China to fund construction of wind power station in Kazakhstan's Pavlodar oblast
China to fund construction of wind power station in Kazakhstan's Pavlodar oblast
Thai nomad theatres strive to preserve ancient art
Thai nomad theatres strive to preserve ancient art
China, Kazakhstan eye deals worth $30 bln
China, Kazakhstan eye deals worth $30 bln
Apple poised to ship iPhones to China Mobile: report
Apple poised to ship iPhones to China Mobile: report
Nepal's smugglers cash in on India's love of gold
Nepal's smugglers cash in on India's love of gold
Oil production at the giant Kashagan oilfield to start September 9
Oil production at the giant Kashagan oilfield to start September 9