17 января 2012 13:39

PHOTO & VIDEO: Ghost car is spotted in Petropavlovsk


Ghost car. Tengrinews.kz stock photo Ghost car. Tengrinews.kz stock photo

A strange driving regulations breaker has been captured by speed gauge cameras in Petrapavlovsk, Tengrinews.kz reports. Policemen have got the photos, but the car is can not been seen clearly at them, the image is blured. The sensory devices installed in asphalt registered a speed of 80 kilometers per hour. The cameras mounted above the speed sensor made a photo of the driver and the car number plat. But it only showed general outlines. The car is something between the first old-fashioned car and a baggy, the sports car. “I have seen such cars on TV in action-thrillers. It is a kind of a sports car. And now I see it on my own monitor screen. Sure it must have been constructed by some skillful craftsman as a one of a kind piece of work. However it can drive quite fast: 76.4 km/h at the road where the maximum allowed speed is 60 km/h,” Kuanysh Dzhumagulov, a chief inspector of Northern Kazakhstan oblast Road Police Department said. Petrapavlovsk citizens were fined 37 million tenge ($250 000) for speeding over the last three months, the road policemen said. However, there were no cases of extremely fast driving recorded by the speed indicator cameras. It turned out that the speeding preventing systems' cameras cannot recored a car driving at a very high speed. Policeman found this out experimentally. They had suspicion that this was the case so they actually tried speeding at 140 kmph themselves and found that the camera was unable to record it. Besides, there are tricks that the city's drivers use to avoid consequences for speeding. One of them is to cover the car's number placates with colorless nail polish: its makes the image on the speed sensor's camera blurred and unreadable.

A strange driving regulations breaker has been captured by speed gauge cameras in Petrapavlovsk, Tengrinews.kz reports. Policemen have got the photos, but the car is can not been seen clearly at them, the image is blured. The sensory devices installed in asphalt registered a speed of 80 kilometers per hour. The cameras mounted above the speed sensor made a photo of the driver and the car number plat. But it only showed general outlines. The car is something between the first old-fashioned car and a baggy, the sports car. “I have seen such cars on TV in action-thrillers. It is a kind of a sports car. And now I see it on my own monitor screen. Sure it must have been constructed by some skillful craftsman as a one of a kind piece of work. However it can drive quite fast: 76.4 km/h at the road where the maximum allowed speed is 60 km/h,” Kuanysh Dzhumagulov, a chief inspector of Northern Kazakhstan oblast Road Police Department said. Petrapavlovsk citizens were fined 37 million tenge ($250 000) for speeding over the last three months, the road policemen said. However, there were no cases of extremely fast driving recorded by the speed indicator cameras. It turned out that the speeding preventing systems' cameras cannot recored a car driving at a very high speed. Policeman found this out experimentally. They had suspicion that this was the case so they actually tried speeding at 140 kmph themselves and found that the camera was unable to record it. Besides, there are tricks that the city's drivers use to avoid consequences for speeding. One of them is to cover the car's number placates with colorless nail polish: its makes the image on the speed sensor's camera blurred and unreadable.
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