Production of small yurts capable of accommodating 6 people has been launched in Semey, Tengrinews.kz reports, citing Kharis Saifutdinov, the felt-making factory’s general director. According to him, the yurts of such sizes are in great demand among Semey citizens. The yurt can be set up in a backyard or taken to a picnic instead of a tent. “It is very comfortable and it is cool inside. The yurts are made in national style and they are very beautiful,” Saifutdinov said. He also added the the mini-yurt's height makes up 2.5 meters and its diameter is three meters.
Production of small yurts capable of accommodating 6 people has been launched in Semey, Tengrinews.kz reports, citing Kharis Saifutdinov, the felt-making factory’s general director.
According to him, the yurts of such sizes are in great demand among Semey citizens. The yurt can be set up in a backyard or taken to a picnic instead of a tent. “It is very comfortable and it is cool inside. The yurts are made in national style and they are very beautiful,” Saifutdinov said. He also added the the mini-yurt's height makes up 2.5 meters and its diameter is three meters.