A Kyzylorda athlete who would become a winner of the 2012 London Olympic Games and his/her coach will get $500,000 from the regional budget, Tengrinews.kz reports, referring to the oblast's Tourism, Physical Education and Sport department. “The Olympics winner and his/her coach will be awarded with $500,000,” Laura Shongalova, press-secretary of the oblast Tourism, Physical Education and Sport department said. Earlier the regional Maslikhat (administration) have approved the initiative of the oblast’s head Bolatbek Kuandekov to assign a monthly scholarship of 2.25 million tenge (about $15 000) to Ilya Ilyin, a three-time world weight-lifting champion. He will start receiving it in the beginning of 2012. A scholarship of 300 000 tenge ($2000) has been assigned to Ryskul Ulan, a holder of Kazakhstan Barys title and a winner of Kazakh Kuresi (Kazakh Fighting) national competition. “The allocated funds are assigned to ensure good training for the sportsmen prior to the 2012 London Olympic Games,” the officials from Sport department said. Other prominent sportsmen will get money grants as well. Islam Salimov and Kabira Askarova, silver medals winners of Parasian Games, are receiving 50 000 tenge ($340) monthly scholarship as well.
A Kyzylorda athlete who would become a winner of the 2012 London Olympic Games and his/her coach will get $500,000 from the regional budget, Tengrinews.kz reports, referring to the oblast's Tourism, Physical Education and Sport department.
“The Olympics winner and his/her coach will be awarded with $500,000,” Laura Shongalova, press-secretary of the oblast Tourism, Physical Education and Sport department said.
Earlier the regional Maslikhat (administration) have approved the initiative of the oblast’s head Bolatbek Kuandekov to assign a monthly scholarship of 2.25 million tenge (about $15 000) to Ilya Ilyin, a three-time world weight-lifting champion. He will start receiving it in the beginning of 2012.
A scholarship of 300 000 tenge ($2000) has been assigned to Ryskul Ulan, a holder of Kazakhstan Barys title and a winner of Kazakh Kuresi (Kazakh Fighting) national competition.
“The allocated funds are assigned to ensure good training for the sportsmen prior to the 2012 London Olympic Games,” the officials from Sport department said.
Other prominent sportsmen will get money grants as well. Islam Salimov and Kabira Askarova, silver medals winners of Parasian Games, are receiving 50 000 tenge ($340) monthly scholarship as well.