Kazakhstani tennis player Yaroslava Shvedova has reached the final in the doubles of the French Open Roland Garros, Tengrinews reports citing Vesti.kz.
In the semifinals, Yaroslava Shvedova and Aussie Casey Dellacqua beat the second seeded Russian tennis players Ekaterina Makarova and Yelena Vesnina 6:3, 6:2.
In the finals, the pair met a duo of Bethanie Mattek-Sands (USA) - Lucie Safarova (Czech Republic). 
In the final match, Bethanie Mattek-Sands and Lucie Safarova prevailed over Yaroslava Shvedova and Casey Dellacqua in three sets 6:3, 4:6, 2:6. The match lasted for two hours and five minutes. 
Yaroslava Shvedova and Casey Dellaqua ©AFP
Shvedova is currently ranked 21st in the doubles and 76th in the singles ratings.
Writing by Dinara Urazova, editing by Tatyana Kuzmina