08 января 2013 19:12

Boxing: Golovkin is getting knocked out: Gabriel Rosado

©Damien Acevedo/BoxingScene.com

American Gabriel Rosado who is awaiting a fight against Kazakhstan’s boxer and WBA middleweight world champion Gennady Golovkin promises to knock out his rival, Vesti.kz reports. “I am excited about the opportunity with GGG. I could have waited for the mandatory with K9 but I thought a fight with GGG and winning that Middleweight crown would be a bigger reward. He is getting knocked out. I'd say about the 8th or 9th round! Everyone is talking about how big his punch is. I think they are underestimating my power. I definitely have punching power. I can knock you out. I think with the extra weight at 160 I am going to be much stronger. The fans are definitely going to have a great fight to watch!" BoxingScene.com cited Rosado. The bout between Golovkin and Rosado will take place on January 19 and will be a part of a big show in New York (USA) that will be aired by HBO TV Channel.

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