Zhanel Musakhanova, holder of six awards of young fashion designers contest Open Way-2011 in Almaty, started to work on creation of a fashion line JanElle for Salta, which soon will be offered for sale in company stores, reported on
blog of famous Kazakh designer Saltanat Baimukhamedova.
Collection of Zhanel Musakhanova was the brightest one at the Open Way-2011 contest and attracted a lot of attention. The contest was held in Autumn 2011. The young fashion designer received a grant for creation her own exclusive fashion line for designer Saltanat Baimukhamedova. The girl also got an opportunity to create her own fashion collection of dresses for Spring fashion show in Almaty.
All the designers said that the works presented by Zhanel at the contest had very precise lines, were laconic and pure.
Zhanel Musakhanova's works presented at the Open Way-2011.