A 3000-y.o. cauldron dated back to the Bronze Age has been discovered in eastern Kazakhstan, Tengrinews reports citing KTK TV Channel.
A resident of Zaisan town in eastern Kazakhstan came across the ancient item while swimming. He immediately handed the rarity over to the regional museum.
In the museum, the experts found many more items of the Bronze Age inside the cauldron: chisel, arrowheads, scrapers and rings from a horse harness. Besides, they discovered that the cauldron had a double bottom that must have been made to make the cooking faster.
According to historians, in those days, any metal was valued nearly as high as gold. People exchanged metal for cattle, weapons and slaves.
Experts suggested that a wealthy villager probably buried the treasure in years long past, but for some seasons he never used it and the treasure remained hidden until our days.
"Copper and bronze items that were made in our region reached the Russian territories, Siberia and even Mesopotamia. Many of the expeditions that studied the heritage of the Bronze Age have proved that," a representative of the History Museum of East Kazakhstan Oblast Galina Kusch said.
Writing by Assel Satubaldina, editing by Tatyana Kuzmina