Experts from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has arrived to Astana for the third round of monitoring of the Kazakhstan legislation as a part of the Istanbul Anti-Corruption Action Plan, Tengrinews reports.
The monitoring team includes experts from the Netherland, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Lithuania.
After the previous monitoring the OECD issued 17 recommendation to Kazakhstan to help it root out corruption.
“It was suggested to revise the country's industry-wise anti-corruption program to enhance it, clarify its provisions, and make NGOs more involved in development and implementation of anti-corruption policies. In terms of criminal liability, Kazakhstan was recommended to reconsider definitions of the crimes qualified as corruption offences because few of them a compliant with international standards,” the Consultant of the OECD Anti-Corruption Division Dmytro Kotliar said.
Kotliar added that Kazakhstan had to implement corporate liability for corruption, adopt a law on access to information and remove criminal liability for slander from the Criminal Code.
“These suggestions have not been implemented yet. There will be many more recommendations that we will make after this visit,” Kotliar said. The results of the monitoring in Astana will be announced in Paris in the OECD headquarter this Fall.
The Istanbul Anti-corruption Action Plan was adopted in 2003 in Istanbul as a part of the OECD initiative for Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Russia, Tajikistan and Ukraine. Kazakhstan was accepted into the organization in 2004.
Reporting by Assel Satayeva, writing by Gyuzel Kamalova, editing by Tatyana Kuzmina