![Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev](https://static.tengrinews.kz/userdata/news_en/2011/news_6204/thumb_xms/photo_11430.jpg)
Nursultan Nazarbayev suggested the world to create G-global instead of G-20 in his speech at the formal meeting timed to the 20th anniversary of Kazakhstan’s independence, Tengrinews.kz reports. “So far nobody has suggested a global anti-crisis plan that would be acceptable for everyone. Unfortunately, G-20 and G-8 are demonstrating inefficiency of the global anti-crisis approach. I suggest to expand the number of participants searching for anti-crisis solutions for the world. I suggest calling this new communication platform G-global,” Kazakhstan President said on December 15. According to Nursultan Nazarbayev, Astana economic forum could become an effective platform for the new formation. Along with the Organization for Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Kazakhstan is calling for the Global Anti-Crisis Forum to beh held next year for the countries of the world to develop a plan of reforms that could become the UN's anti-crisis plan. “I am suggesting this initiative from the rostrum of the 20th Anniversary of Independence meeting because during this period our sovereign country has become a reliable partner of the global community,” Nursultan Nazarbayev said.
Nursultan Nazarbayev suggested the world to create G-global instead of G-20 in his speech at the formal meeting timed to the 20th anniversary of Kazakhstan’s independence, Tengrinews.kz reports.
“So far nobody has suggested a global anti-crisis plan that would be acceptable for everyone. Unfortunately, G-20 and G-8 are demonstrating inefficiency of the global anti-crisis approach. I suggest to expand the number of participants searching for anti-crisis solutions for the world. I suggest calling this new communication platform G-global,” Kazakhstan President said on December 15.
According to Nursultan Nazarbayev, Astana economic forum could become an effective platform for the new formation. Along with the Organization for Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Kazakhstan is calling for the Global Anti-Crisis Forum to beh held next year for the countries of the world to develop a plan of reforms that could become the UN's anti-crisis plan.
“I am suggesting this initiative from the rostrum of the 20th Anniversary of Independence meeting because during this period our sovereign country has become a reliable partner of the global community,” Nursultan Nazarbayev said.