Kazakhstan’s President Nursultan Nazarbayev met the country’s PM Karim Massimov, a Tengrinews journalist reports, citing the President’s official website. At the talks, the PM reported on the status of President’s earlier instructions, current work of the Government and plans for the year to come.
According to the President, following the talks held in Dushanbe with leaders of Russia, China and some other countries, a number of agreements had been reached to enhance the economic ties.
“The global markets have been witnessing falling prices for Kazakhstan’s major commodities, which is oil and gas. We’ve seen a certain decrease in metallurgy, oil production and exports, bilateral trade with neighboring states. The decline is assigned to the current global economic processes. However, we must make sure the country’s economic indicators remain stable this year. And the next year’s budget should be drafted to meet all the essential needs of Kazakhstan”, Head of State said.
He highlighted that Kazakhstan people’s wellbeing shouldn’t be effected. “All the Government’s obligations related to pension allowances, salaries in the public sector, welfare allowances should be respected. However challenging the task may be, it has to be accomplished”, he said.
Head of State also emphasized the Government should come up with scenarios taking into account all possible crisis developments in the global markets. “All the scenarios should be supported with clear plans and calculations (…) we survived the 2007-2009 crisis relying on an effective anti-crisis plan. We need to rest on that experience and take into account the best foreign practices. All the industrial facilities launched under the state-run industrialization programs should operate at their full capacity. And all small and middle-sized businesses should feel their responsibility for filling up the state coffers with tax proceeds and creating jobs”, President Nazarbayev said.
In his turn, PM Massimov reported that the Government in partnership with the National Bank and regional governors’ offices had launched a special working group to respond to different scenarios. “In the current year all the Government’s social obligations will be fulfilled. In line with your instructions, a variety of scenarios will be worked out. I want to assure you that the situation is not going to deteriorate regardless of developments in the external markets”, the PM said.
When closing the talks, Head of State gave a number of specific instructions.
September 15 the country’s Finance Minister Bakhyt Sultanov unveiled a draft 2015-2017 budget in the country’s Majilis (lower chamber).