Kazakhstan President Kazakhstan President spoke about global military spendings and called to slow down arms race, Tengrinews.kz reports from the 66th session of the United Nations. “Development of the new world order is accompanied by escalation of conflict proneness. It is indicative that currently the world's overall armament costs grow twice faster than during the Cold War: 6 percent a year. They have already reached $1.5 trillion. My suggestion to create a UN peacekeeping fund is becoming more urgent. I have made this suggestion for the first time 19 years ago from this rostrum. The idea is that every UN member-state will pay 1 percent of their military budget for peacekeeping,” Nursultan Nazarbayev said on September 21 in New York. Nursultan Nazarbayev called the world community to go back to this idea and make a required decision. He reminded that the UN was established 68 years ago as an organization based on the principle of sovereign equality of its members. “However, it is clearly seen that the principle of national sovereignty and territorial integrity is frequently being eroded. This could undermine trust between the nations. Regulations of the international law related to the national sovereignty of the countries have to be improved. Considering the new realities, the restrictions for the world community's interference into internal conflicts have to be clearly defined,” Kazakhstan leader shared his point of view. According to Nursultan Nazarbayev, the peace will be more stable, if the UN closely interacts with regional security structures. “These are the CICA (Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia), SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization and CSTO (Collective Security Treaty Organization) in Eurasia. It is important to adequately include the modern world's structure into the structure and activities of the Security Council. At the same time the veto mechanism is still a guarantee of efficiency of the decisions taken,” Kazakhstan President said. Nursultan Nazarbayev drew everyone's attention to the fact that Kazakhstan has nominated itself for temporary membership in the UN Security Council in 2017-18 and expressed his hope for support of the world community.
Kazakhstan President Kazakhstan President spoke about global military spendings and called to slow down arms race, Tengrinews.kz reports from the 66th session of the United Nations.
“Development of the new world order is accompanied by escalation of conflict proneness. It is indicative that currently the world's overall armament costs grow twice faster than during the Cold War: 6 percent a year. They have already reached $1.5 trillion. My suggestion to create a UN peacekeeping fund is becoming more urgent. I have made this suggestion for the first time 19 years ago from this rostrum. The idea is that every UN member-state will pay 1 percent of their military budget for peacekeeping,” Nursultan Nazarbayev said on September 21 in New York.
Nursultan Nazarbayev called the world community to go back to this idea and make a required decision. He reminded that the UN was established 68 years ago as an organization based on the principle of sovereign equality of its members. “However, it is clearly seen that the principle of national sovereignty and territorial integrity is frequently being eroded. This could undermine trust between the nations. Regulations of the international law related to the national sovereignty of the countries have to be improved. Considering the new realities, the restrictions for the world community's interference into internal conflicts have to be clearly defined,” Kazakhstan leader shared his point of view.
According to Nursultan Nazarbayev, the peace will be more stable, if the UN closely interacts with regional security structures. “These are the CICA (Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia), SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization and CSTO (Collective Security Treaty Organization) in Eurasia. It is important to adequately include the modern world's structure into the structure and activities of the Security Council. At the same time the veto mechanism is still a guarantee of efficiency of the decisions taken,” Kazakhstan President said.
Nursultan Nazarbayev drew everyone's attention to the fact that Kazakhstan has nominated itself for temporary membership in the UN Security Council in 2017-18 and expressed his hope for support of the world community.