Kazakhstan is creating a food security fund of the member-countries of the Organization for Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Megapolis writes. Kazakhstan Ministry of Agriculture is negotiating with the organization's secretariat on opening of its office in Astana. Being a large exporter of grain and flour Kazakhstan will be able to expand its grain market and help solve the problem of famine in several countries. 22 countries out of 57 OIC member-states are in the list of the least developed countries. The office in Astana is going to monitor the food situation in these countries. "We are currently in the process of negotiations. Most probably, it will be a regional pool mainly aimed for Central Asian countries, Afghanistan and Iran. From the logistics point of view we will be able to supply food there quickly and at adequate prices. At the same time we are thinking that the pool could work for all the OIC countries. We have already developed the organizational concept of such pool; it is currently being reviewed by the secretariat. We have also sent offers to potential users of this pool," Vice-Minister of Agriculture Muslim Umiryanov said. He added that creation of the food security fund will "promote expansion of Kazakhstan grain's export".
Kazakhstan is creating a food security fund of the member-countries of the Organization for Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Megapolis writes.
Kazakhstan Ministry of Agriculture is negotiating with the organization's secretariat on opening of its office in Astana. Being a large exporter of grain and flour Kazakhstan will be able to expand its grain market and help solve the problem of famine in several countries. 22 countries out of 57 OIC member-states are in the list of the least developed countries. The office in Astana is going to monitor the food situation in these countries.
"We are currently in the process of negotiations. Most probably, it will be a regional pool mainly aimed for Central Asian countries, Afghanistan and Iran. From the logistics point of view we will be able to supply food there quickly and at adequate prices. At the same time we are thinking that the pool could work for all the OIC countries. We have already developed the organizational concept of such pool; it is currently being reviewed by the secretariat. We have also sent offers to potential users of this pool," Vice-Minister of Agriculture Muslim Umiryanov said. He added that creation of the food security fund will "promote expansion of Kazakhstan grain's export".