09 марта 2011 14:11

Kazakhstan ranks 93rd among 139 economies in terms of tourism attractiveness


Kazakhstan ranks 93rd among 139 industrialized and emerging economies in terms of tourism attractiveness Kazakhstan ranks 93rd among 139 industrialized and emerging economies according to the fourth Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report, released by the World Economic Forum at the Global Tourism Forum 2011 (GTF) held in Andorra, Profinance.kz reports. Russia is ranked 59th, Estonia -21st, Latvia – 51st, Lithuania – 55th. Less attractive countries included Georgia (73rd), Ukraine (85th), Armenia (90th), Kyrgyzstan (107th) and Tajikistan (118th). In this year's report findings, Switzerland, Germany and France have the most attractive environments for developing the travel and tourism industry. The Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2011 measures and analyzes the drivers of T&T competitiveness in economies around the world. Its main goal is to provide a useful tool for governments and business leaders in overcoming the obstacles to T&T competitiveness, in order to benefit fully from the sector’s development. The Report includes an analysis of the rankings of the Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index (TTCI), which aims to measure the factors and policies that make it attractive to develop the T&T sector.

Kazakhstan ranks 93rd among 139 industrialized and emerging economies in terms of tourism attractiveness Kazakhstan ranks 93rd among 139 industrialized and emerging economies according to the fourth Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report, released by the World Economic Forum at the Global Tourism Forum 2011 (GTF) held in Andorra, Profinance.kz reports. Russia is ranked 59th, Estonia -21st, Latvia – 51st, Lithuania – 55th. Less attractive countries included Georgia (73rd), Ukraine (85th), Armenia (90th), Kyrgyzstan (107th) and Tajikistan (118th). In this year's report findings, Switzerland, Germany and France have the most attractive environments for developing the travel and tourism industry. The Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2011 measures and analyzes the drivers of T&T competitiveness in economies around the world. Its main goal is to provide a useful tool for governments and business leaders in overcoming the obstacles to T&T competitiveness, in order to benefit fully from the sector’s development. The Report includes an analysis of the rankings of the Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index (TTCI), which aims to measure the factors and policies that make it attractive to develop the T&T sector.
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