The Eurasian Economic Union of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus to be shortly launched may trigger growth of salaries in Kazakhstan, according to Ms. Tamara Dyuissenova, the country’s Minister of Healthcare and Social Development.
“Both in Russia and Belarus salaries are higher than those in Kazakhstan (…) here in Kazakhstan we may see salaries growing following the launch of the Union to prevent brain drain”, she said when answering journalists’ questions on whether she is expecting an inflow of migrants in the wake of the launch.
She also said she didn’t expect a significant inflow of migrants from Armenia as the country is too remote from Kazakhstan.
“Should the neighboring Kyrgyzstan access the Eurasian Economic Union, the issue of migrants may emerge (…) now we are working on suggestions on how to defend the national market”, she said following a sitting in the country’s Majilis (lower chamber) on foreign workforce.