South West Roads Project has brought about 30 000 jobs and other indirect benefits for Kzylorda and South Kazakhstan oblasts, Profinance.kz quoted World Bank Managing Director Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala as saying during an official visit to Kazakhstan. According to her, more effective management of the roads, faster connection to the regional centers and simplified access to markets will have a positive impact on the living standards of 25% of the country’s population concentrated in this area. According to the World Bank’s website, the development objective of the South West Roads Project is to increase transport efficiency on the road sections between Aktobe/Kyzylorda oblast border and Shymkent, and to improve road management and traffic safety in Kazakhstan. The project comprises following components: i) upgrade and reconstruction of road sections along the corridor within Kyzylorda blast, excluding Kyzylorda bypass, with an estimated loan amount of US$1,134.3 million equivalent, excluding consulting services for supervision of the construction and all contingencies; ii) upgrade and reconstruction of road sections along the corridor within South Kzakhstan oblast from Kyzylorda oblast border to Shymkent, including the by passes to Kyzylorda and Shymkent; iii) Project Management Consultants (PMC) to assist the committee for roads with the management of project implementation, at an estimated loan amount of US$5.5 million; iv) institutional development and preparation of action plans to improve road safety and road services; and v) consulting services for supervision of civil works under components first and second estimated loan amount of US$46.8 million.
South West Roads Project has brought about 30 000 jobs and other indirect benefits for Kzylorda and South Kazakhstan oblasts, Profinance.kz quoted World Bank Managing Director Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala as saying during an official visit to Kazakhstan.
According to her, more effective management of the roads, faster connection to the regional centers and simplified access to markets will have a positive impact on the living standards of 25% of the country’s population concentrated in this area.
According to the World Bank’s website, the development objective of the South West Roads Project is to increase transport efficiency on the road sections between Aktobe/Kyzylorda oblast border and Shymkent, and to improve road management and traffic safety in Kazakhstan. The project comprises following components: i) upgrade and reconstruction of road sections along the corridor within Kyzylorda blast, excluding Kyzylorda bypass, with an estimated loan amount of US$1,134.3 million equivalent, excluding consulting services for supervision of the construction and all contingencies; ii) upgrade and reconstruction of road sections along the corridor within South Kzakhstan oblast from Kyzylorda oblast border to Shymkent, including the by passes to Kyzylorda and Shymkent; iii) Project Management Consultants (PMC) to assist the committee for roads with the management of project implementation, at an estimated loan amount of US$5.5 million; iv) institutional development and preparation of action plans to improve road safety and road services; and v) consulting services for supervision of civil works under components first and second estimated loan amount of US$46.8 million.