Tengrinews.kz - Kazhydromet has released the weather forecast for Almaty from January 15 to 17.
Weather forecast in Almaty
January 15: Almaty will experience partly cloudy skies with no precipitation. A southeast wind of 2-7 m/s is expected. The temperature will range from -4°C to -6°C at night and +4°C to +6°C during the day.
January 16-17: Partly cloudy skies will continue with no precipitation. Winds will shift from southeast to southwest, blowing at 2-7 m/s. Night temperatures will range from -3°C to -5°C , while daytime temperatures will remain between +4°C and +6°C.
Earlier, meteorologists provided a weather outlook for Astana for the next three days.
Meteorologists recorded abnormally warm weather across Kazakhstan in December 2024. Read about it here.