![Sergei Lebedev. ©RIA Novosti](https://static.tengrinews.kz/userdata/news_en/2011/news_1903/thumb_xms/photo_5275_en.jpg)
Chairman of CIS (Commonwealth of Independent State) Executive Commission Sergei Lebedev gave his comments to Tengrinews.kz on PM Massimov's suggestion to put forward the chairman of Kazakhstan's National Bank as a candidate to lead the IMF. “We highly appreciated nomination of Mr. Marchenko. We know him as a very qualified financial expert. He is widely recognized in this system,” Sergei Lebedev said. Kazakhstan’s Prime Minister Karim Massimov suggested Chairman of the National Bank Gregory Marchenko as a candidate to head the IMF at the Summit of the CIS (Commonwealth of independent States) Heads of Government in Minsk. The Council supported his candidacy.
Chairman of CIS (Commonwealth of Independent State) Executive Commission Sergei Lebedev gave his comments to Tengrinews.kz on PM Massimov's suggestion to put forward the chairman of Kazakhstan's National Bank as a candidate to lead the IMF.
“We highly appreciated nomination of Mr. Marchenko. We know him as a very qualified financial expert. He is widely recognized in this system,” Sergei Lebedev said.
Kazakhstan’s Prime Minister Karim Massimov suggested Chairman of the National Bank Gregory Marchenko as a candidate to head the IMF at the Summit of the CIS (Commonwealth of independent States) Heads of Government in Minsk. The Council supported his candidacy.
Karim Massimov
Karim Masimov
International Monetary Fund