Tengrinews.kz - Astana residents filmed an unusual phenomenon: the sky above the capital seemed to be divided in half. Forecasters from Kazhydromet explained its cause.
As explained by Kazhydromet, according to the international cloud atlas compiled by the World Meteorological Organization, the video captured mid-level clouds - stratified rain clouds (Nimbostratus).
"They (clouds - ed.) are of natural origin and appear due to air thermal flows. Such clouds are not a rare phenomenon. Their formation is influenced by different weather conditions: wind direction and speed, temperature and humidity at the height of the cloud, most often - in the zones of atmospheric fronts," the press service of Kazhydromet reported.
According to experts, two main factors can influence the formation of a sharp cloud boundary.
"This is a smooth, uniform increase in the thickness and density of clouds from the edges to the center of the layer, associated with frontal sections. And an orderly downward movement of air that has replaced the ascending one," the forecasters noted.
By the way, the video was filmed on January 30. The recording shows that the sky seems to be divided in half. The lower half is blue, and the upper half is gray.
Earlier, residents of Astana noticed an unusual phenomenon in the sky over the capital – a solar halo. A correspondent from Tengrinews.kz captured the beauty of the natural phenomenon.