Tengrinews.kz – Exchange rate of the dollar, euro and ruble on November 28 in Kazakhstan.
Dollar to tenge exchange rate on November 28
As of 11 AM, the dollar in Astana exchange offices is sold for 513.20 tenge, bought for 505.10 tenge. Some exchange offices sell the American currency for 515 tenge. In Almaty, the sale of the American currency is 512.87 tenge, the purchase - 507.50 tenge. In some exchange offices, the dollar is sold for 516-518 tenge.
On November 27, the dollar in Astana exchange offices was sold for 505.00 tenge, bought for 500.00 tenge. In Almaty exchange offices, the dollar selling rate was 504.83 tenge, and the buying rate was 501.80 tenge.
Euro to tenge exchange rate on November 28
The euro is sold at 538.72 tenge in Astana exchange offices, and bought at 522.94 tenge. In Almaty exchange offices, the selling rate is 538.27 tenge, and the buying rate is 531.63 tenge.
On November 27, the euro was sold at 528.89 tenge in Astana exchange offices, and bought at 522.89. In Almaty exchange offices, the selling rate was 527.13 tenge, and the buying rate was 523.09.
Ruble to tenge exchange rate on November 28
The Russian ruble is sold at 4.80 tenge in Astana exchange offices, and bought at 4.64 tenge. In Almaty, the ruble is sold at 4.82 tenge, bought at 4.59 tenge.
On November 27, the ruble in Astana exchange offices was sold at 4.87 tenge, bought at 4.70 tenge. In Almaty, the ruble was sold at 4.87 tenge, bought at 4.72 tenge.
Official rates of the National Bank on November 28
1 dollar - 499.51 tenge.
1 euro - 525.83 tenge.
1 ruble - 4.62 tenge.
Earlier, dollar to tenge exchange rate has broken a historical record. In a number of cities, the sale of the American currency is already at 510 tenge.
Will the dollar exchange rate in Kazakhstan affect the cost of tuition in universities? The Minister of Science and Higher Education Sayasat Nurbek answered this question on the sidelines of the Mazhilis.
What you can buy for one dollar in Kazakhstan