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- 25 March 2011, 16:13
Blood donation centers to be checked

In April the National Blood Transfusion Center will be scrutinizing all its regional departments to make sure personnel competency and security meet the requirements, KazTAG reports. In 2010, blood donations made up 25 tons, with the number of donors reaching 40 000, which is 42% up against 2009. In 2007, upon a respective initiative of President Nazarbayev, a Program of Blood Service Development was adopted. 10 blood centers have been constructed in the country’s regions.
In April the National Blood Transfusion Center will be scrutinizing all its regional departments to make sure personnel competency and security meet the requirements, KazTAG reports. In 2010, blood donations made up 25 tons, with the number of donors reaching 40 000, which is 42% up against 2009. In 2007, upon a respective initiative of President Nazarbayev, a Program of Blood Service Development was adopted. 10 blood centers have been constructed in the country’s regions.
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