Trains No.9 and 10 Astana-Almaty will be modified with new passenger cars made in Ukraine (Kryukov wagon-construction plant). 14 open-plan passenger train cars have already arrived in Kazakhstan, the press-service of Passazhirskiye Perevozki company (a passenger transportation branch of Kazakhstan Temir Zholy national railway company). “The wagons comply with all the comfort requirements and are different from the existing open-plan carriages by their modern interior. They are equipped with water dispensers, refrigerators, air conditioning and radio broadcasting system, information board for passengers, bio-toilets and etc.,” the company’s website writes. Another 28 new trains cars from Ukraine (24 compartment carriages and 4 open-plan) will arrive this May or June. These wagons will be used for modernization of Astana-Almaty trains, the press-service’s message states. In 2011 Passenger Leasing Wagon Company bought 12 compartment carriages from the same manufacturer and 22 carriages (12 compartment, 8 open-plan and 2 equipped for transportation of handicapped) made by Tver wagon-construction plant in Russia. Besides, Passazhirskiye Perevozki is planning to purchase 420 Talgo passenger carriages by 2014. They are manufactured by a joint Kazakhstan-Spanish company Tulpar-Talgo. The first batch, 140 wagons, will be supplied in 2012.
Trains No.9 and 10 Astana-Almaty will be modified with new passenger cars made in Ukraine (Kryukov wagon-construction plant). 14 open-plan passenger train cars have already arrived in Kazakhstan, the press-service of Passazhirskiye Perevozki company (a passenger transportation branch of Kazakhstan Temir Zholy national railway company).
“The wagons comply with all the comfort requirements and are different from the existing open-plan carriages by their modern interior. They are equipped with water dispensers, refrigerators, air conditioning and radio broadcasting system, information board for passengers, bio-toilets and etc.,” the company’s website writes.
Another 28 new trains cars from Ukraine (24 compartment carriages and 4 open-plan) will arrive this May or June. These wagons will be used for modernization of Astana-Almaty trains, the press-service’s message states.
In 2011 Passenger Leasing Wagon Company bought 12 compartment carriages from the same manufacturer and 22 carriages (12 compartment, 8 open-plan and 2 equipped for transportation of handicapped) made by Tver wagon-construction plant in Russia.
Besides, Passazhirskiye Perevozki is planning to purchase 420 Talgo passenger carriages by 2014. They are manufactured by a joint Kazakhstan-Spanish company Tulpar-Talgo. The first batch, 140 wagons, will be supplied in 2012.