Russian jet crash puts Sharm resort staff on 'unpaid leave'
The Russian plane crash in Egypt has forced Sharm el-Sheikh hotels to send dozens of staff on "unpaid leave" as tourist numbers dwindle, with tens of thousands of jobs at risk within months.
Second Baltic pipeline will cost Ukraine $2bn a year: PM
Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk blasted a planned second gas pipeline under the Baltic Sea, claiming it would cost his country $2 billion (1.8 billion euros) a year in lost revenue.
Moscovici confident of 'compromise' with Greece on remaining reforms
The EU's economic affairs commissioner, Pierre Moscovici, voiced confidence that Greece would reach a "compromise" with its creditors by the end of the week on remaining reforms demanded under its third bailout.
Russia to open $5 bn Iran credit line: Tehran
Russia plans to open a $5 billion credit line for Iran to help finance infrastructure projects in the country, officials from both countries said during a visit by Moscow's energy minister.
S&P upgrades Ukraine from 'selective default'Standard and Poor's upgraded Ukraine's credit rating from "selective default" thanks to the cash-strapped former Soviet country's ability to strike a major debt write-restructuring deal.
Brazil finance minister to keep job: presidentBrazilian President Dilma Rousseff sprang to the defense of her embattled finance minister, saying she would not be pressured into sacking him.
19 October 2015
Troubled Deutsche Bank announces sweeping restructuringScandal-plagued Deutsche Bank, Germany's biggest lender, announced a major business and management shake-up that would "fundamentally change" its leadership structure.
EU warns Spain on budget as election nearsThe European Commission warned Spain to scale back government overspending that is in violation of EU budget rules or risk an embarrassing reprimand ahead of December elections.