Tengrinews.kz - Researchers from Burabay National Park have uncovered several rare mushroom species during a recent study.
Among the unique finds are species like 'Peziza varia', 'Gyromitra infula', 'Hygrocybe conica', 'Ramaria eumorpha', 'Craterellus cornucopioides', 'Lepiota magnispora', and 'Phaeolus schweinitzii'.
One particularly rare species, tentatively identified as 'Clavariadelphus sp.', was also discovered. This mushroom, distinguished by its slender, stick-like shape with a "head" at the top, typically features bright yellow, orange-yellow, or even reddish hues. Remarkably, it only appears once every 3-5 years and is listed in the Red Books of several countries.
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Senior researcher Evgeny Arkhipov emphasized the significance of this discovery, noting that the mushroom may be added to Kazakhstan’s Red Book.
"This find highlights the rich biodiversity of the park and underscores the need for continued study and preservation of its fungal species," he stated.
The park's team has begun compiling a mycological registry to document all mushroom species in the area, aiming to further protect the forest ecosystem by understanding the critical role fungi play in nutrient cycling.
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