Tengrinews.kz - A 21-year-old woman who worked on the closing of the Paris Olympic Games was found dead in her own house.
The girl's disappearance was reported to the police by her mother. According to her, the daughter was supposed to attend the closing ceremony of the Olympics.
"The young woman was found dead in her apartment in Paris on the night of Monday to Tuesday. She was killed in her home under unexplained circumstances.
Her boyfriend, whom she had known for two years, has been arrested. During the initial examination of the corpse revealed a haematoma on the left side of the head and a wound on the neck," reports La Parisien.
Initially, it was reported that the girl was an Olympic volunteer, but it was later revealed that the victim worked as an intern in the communications department of the Stade de France, where the closing ceremony of the Games was held.
It is noted that the suspect sent messages to the victim's acquaintances admitting that he had done a "stupid thing". He is now in custody awaiting charges.