09 января 2012 16:32

Apprehended accomplices of Taraz suicide bomber were planning another attack


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The criminal group eliminated by police in Taraz was planning another terrorist attack in the town, Interfax-Kazakhstan reports citing the head of Zhambyl oblast Interior Department Beket Aimagambetov. Suicide bimber Maksat Kariyev was part of this group. “According to our information, one of the accomplices (of Maksat Kariyev) had to organize another terrorist attack, possibly on the same day, but we prevented it,” Aimagambetov said in the interview to Megapolis journal published on Monday, January 9. Head of Interior Department reminded that police apprehended six accomplices of Kariyev, including the leader of the group. According to Aimagambetov, not all of the suspects repented of the crime. “Some of them repent, but some stick to their ideology. One of them even says that Maksat (Kariyev) is in heaven right now. They are imputed with several charges, mainly Terrorism and Murder,” head of Interior Department said. Earlier Tengrinews.kz English reported that jihadist Maksat Kariyev committed a terrorist attack in Taraz on November 12. 7 people fell victims to the crime, five of them were police officers. The criminal blew himself up during apprehension.

The criminal group eliminated by police in Taraz was planning another terrorist attack in the town, Interfax-Kazakhstan reports citing the head of Zhambyl oblast Interior Department Beket Aimagambetov. Suicide bimber Maksat Kariyev was part of this group. “According to our information, one of the accomplices (of Maksat Kariyev) had to organize another terrorist attack, possibly on the same day, but we prevented it,” Aimagambetov said in the interview to Megapolis journal published on Monday, January 9. Head of Interior Department reminded that police apprehended six accomplices of Kariyev, including the leader of the group. According to Aimagambetov, not all of the suspects repented of the crime. “Some of them repent, but some stick to their ideology. One of them even says that Maksat (Kariyev) is in heaven right now. They are imputed with several charges, mainly Terrorism and Murder,” head of Interior Department said. Earlier Tengrinews.kz English reported that jihadist Maksat Kariyev committed a terrorist attack in Taraz on November 12. 7 people fell victims to the crime, five of them were police officers. The criminal blew himself up during apprehension.
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