Alem (The Birth of Beauty) ballet will premier on the Astana Opera stage on October 5, Tengrinews reports.
The ballet explores psychological and philosophical themes. The Astana ballet company will present Alem as part of the International Silk Way festival. The ballet will be stylized with special effects and computer graphics to create an atmosphere of distant lands. “This ballet is a great synthesis of international trends and traditional motives of the Kazakh dance culture,” the choreographer of the ballet Nikita Dmitiyevsky said.
Lead dancers of the Astana Ballet Nazerke Akhmet, Zere Ismailova, Zhibek Menshitbay, Ayaulym Makumova, Diana Besengulova, Nargiz Isskakova, Shyryn Sadyrova and others will bring Alem to the stage of the theatre. Armand Amar and Bulat Gafarov composed the music for the ballet.
The Astana Ballet is a dynamically developing company that combines contemporary and traditional choreography. The dancers focus on classical dance while adopting various contemporary styles through Kazakh national choreography. The Astana Ballet has been performing at the Astana Opera on numerous occasions.