18 июля 2012 18:58

KazAtomProm Q2 uranium production figure stands at 5040 tons

Yellowcake. Photo courtesy of kazatomprom.kz

KazAtomProm National Nuclear Company produced 5040 tons of uranium in the Q2 2012, KazTag Agency reports, citing the Company’s Press Service. “The Q2 uranium production figure exceeded the Q1 2012 figure by 9%”, the statement reads. Beryllium production fell by 23% as compared to Q1, whereas tantalum production grew 2.2 fold. According to Company’s Head Vladimir Shkolnik, in 2011 the Company produced a total of 19 450 tons of uranium, 9% up against 2010. Plans are there to increase the figure to 25 000 tons a year by 2015. Estimated net profit of KazAtomProm in 2011 made up $523.6 million. In 2009 the uranium production output grew from 8521 in 2008 to 14 020, enabling Kazakhstan to become the global leader in terms of production. KazAtomProm is Kazakhstan's major exporter of uranium and its compounds, rare metals, nuclear fuel for nuclear power stations, special equipment, technologies and dual-usage materials.

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