site.news_by_theme trade

China, Switzerland sign free trade agreement China and Switzerland signed a free trade agreement -- Beijing's first in continental Europe -- in a deal that comes against a backdrop of trade tensions between the Asian giant and the EU.
06 июля 2013
China, EU start trade talks aiming to resolve disputes China and the European Union began ministerial-level talks Friday that are expected to try to resolve a dispute over solar panels and other products, as tensions between the two risk escalating into a trade war.
21 июня 2013
G8 leaders set to struggle on trade, tax and Syria Leaders of the G8 nations meet in Northern Ireland next week determined to crack down on tax evasion and boost global trade, while seeking to push Russia to help find a political solution to the Syria conflict.
14 июня 2013
US eases trade restrictions on Syrian opposition The United States eased restrictions on trade with Syria's opposition Wednesday, in a move aimed at helping supply the critical needs of Syrians in "liberated areas."
13 июня 2013
China May trade data highlights growth concerns China on Saturday reported a sharp slowdown in exports in May compared to the previous month while imports unexpectedly dropped.
09 июня 2013
More than 60 countries sign new arms trade treaty More than 60 countries on Monday signed a landmark conventional arms trade treaty, but the United States held back from joining the first wave of signatories.
04 июня 2013
President of Latvia Andris Berzins. ©REUTERS Kazakhstan ready to double trade and economic turnover with Latvia Kazakhstan's trade turnover with Latvia is the highest among the Baltic states, around $350 million: Kazakhstan PM Serik Akhmetov.
03 июня 2013
China's Xi in Trinidad to boost Caribbean trade Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived in oil-rich Trinidad and Tobago late Friday for the first leg of a Latin America and Caribbean tour aiming to strengthen Beijing's trade ties in the region.
02 июня 2013
Biden in Trinidad on LatAm, Caribbean swing US Vice President Joe Biden arrived in Trinidad and Tobago Monday where he was to meet with other regional leaders on his 20-hour visit to the island nation.
28 мая 2013
Merkel pledges to avert EU-China trade war German Chancellor Angela Merkel pledged Sunday to take steps to avoid a brewing trade war between China and the EU during a first visit by China's new premier to Germany, with both leaders calling for dialogue.
27 мая 2013
Key step cleared to Swiss-China free trade deal Switzerland and China cleared the final hurdle Friday towards a landmark free-trade agreement, as Beijing seeks to underscore its growing global ties via deals with European partners.
25 мая 2013
Venezuela threatens oil, trade measures in vote row with US Venezuela stepped up attacks on the United States Monday, threatening retaliatory measures affecting trade and energy if Washington resorts to sanctions in a row over the country's disputed presidential election.
23 апреля 2013
©REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque Trade commission sides with Apple in Motorola patent case The US International Trade Commission on Monday tossed out a Motorola Mobility patent claim that threatened to block the import of some Apple iPhone models into this country.
23 апреля 2013
Barroso assures US of Europe's 'strong' economy The president of the European Commission, Jose Manuel Barroso, called on the United States Friday to not underestimate Europe's economic strength.
14 апреля 2013
UN adopts global treaty on weapons trade The UN General Assembly on Tuesday passed the first treaty regulating the conventional arms trade in an attempt to bring transparency and protection of human rights to the often murky industry.
03 апреля 2013
US criticizes EU restrictions on wine labels The United States on Monday criticized the European Union's restrictions on wine labeling, saying they hinder US wine exports to the 27-nation bloc.
02 апреля 2013
UN General Assembly set to adopt arms treaty The UN General Assembly is expected to adopt the first global treaty on the conventional arms trade Tuesday after the 193 member states failed to reach consensus on it last week.
02 апреля 2013
©REUTERS/Jamejamonline/Ebrahim Norouzi Iran, N. Korea, Syria block arms trade treaty Iran, North Korea and Syria on Thursday held up agreement on the first global treaty on the $80 billion a year conventional arms trade.
29 марта 2013
Mutual trade between Kazakhstan and CU countries grows 7.7 percent Mutual trade of Kazakhstan with the Customs Union countries -- Russia and Belarus -- exceeded $1.6 billion in January.
23 марта 2013 stock photo Kazakhstan's leadership in global flour trade challenged Kazakhstan's expected shipments in 2012-2013 season have been reduced to 2.8 million tons of grain equivalent.
13 марта 2013

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