site.news_by_theme stress

Eddie Ray Rout, suspect in the shooting and killing of former Navy SEAL Sniper Chris Kyle. ©REUTERS Ex-Marine charged with famed US sniper's death An Iraq war veteran believed to be suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder has been charged with killing a former Navy SEAL whose exploits in the same conflict were detailed in a best-selling book.
04 февраля 2013
Gays who come out are less stressed: Canada study Gays and lesbians who come out about their sexual orientation are less stressed than those who remain in the closet, and often more relaxed than heterosexuals.
30 января 2013
©REUTERS/Charles Platiau Chronic fatigue scourges Kazakhstan Medicin Britain talk about new epidemic – the epidemic of chronic fatigue. How many exactly in Kazakhstan suffer from this illness – no one researched, but such problem does exist.
17 ноября 2011
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