site.news_by_theme Law

Israel caps bankers' salaries to $658,000 a year Israel's parliament passed a law capping the annual salaries of bank executives at $658,000, among the world's toughest such restrictions.
29 марта 2016
Israel supreme court strikes down landmark gas deal Israel's top court on Sunday struck down a landmark deal regulating exploitation of Mediterranean gas reserves, in a major defeat for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
28 марта 2016
In US gun control, not all laws are equal Gun deaths in the United States can be slashed by 90 percent through universal application of laws requiring background checks of buyers.
11 марта 2016
New Zealand bans 'zero hour' contracts New Zealand has passed legislation banning 'zero hour' contractsto end the use of deals criticised as exploitative.
11 марта 2016
©RIA Novosti China adopts first counter-terrorism law China adopted its first counter-terrorism law Sunday: its provisions may tighten media controls and threaten the intellectual property of foreign firms.
28 декабря 2015
©Turar Kazangapov Kazakh Senate passes bill prohibiting foreign currency mortgage loans Kazakh Senate, the upper house of Kazakhstan’s Parliament, has passed a bill on non-performing loans and assets of second-tier banks.
17 ноября 2015
Photo courtesy of LGBT human rights: freedom or infringement in Kazakhstan? Article 19, the UK's human rights organization proposed introducing a concept of an anti-LGBT crime to the Kazakhstani Criminal Code.
24 октября 2015
©Turar Kazangapov 10 Macedonians fined in Astana for violating terms of stay 10 citizens of Macedonia have been fined for violating the terms of stay in Kazakhstan.
17 октября 2015
Hillary Clinton unveils plan to tighten US gun laws Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton offered proposals Monday to tighten the nation's gun laws, even threating to do so by decree.
06 октября 2015
Pistorius parole back under review after delays A South African parole board is due to meet to determine whether Paralympian star Oscar Pistorius should be released early from a prison sentence for killing his girlfriend.
05 октября 2015
Abe's popularity drops after Japan defense laws passed: polls Japanese public support for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has dropped in the days since his ruling coalition rammed through legislation allowing the nation's troops to fight abroad.
21 сентября 2015
Photo courtes of Introduction of across-the-board income and property reporting postponed in Kazakhstan Introduction of across-the-board income and property reporting has been postponed till 2020 in Kazakhstan.
10 сентября 2015
© Women secretly videotaped while changing in Mexx store in Almaty Young employees at Mexx store in Almaty secretly filmed a number of women, while they were changing in the store's dressing room.
08 сентября 2015
Netanyahu aims to amend public broadcast 'handcuff' clause Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was working to amend a newly passed public broadcasting law, officials said, after an outcry over a provision prohibiting journalists from expressing opinions.
04 сентября 2015
Photo courtesy of Pros and cons of chemical castration discussed in Kazakhstan Kazakhstan is considering pros and cons of introducing chemical castration for convicted pedophiles.
11 августа 2015
Kosovo's parliament votes in favour of war crime court Kosovo's parliament amended the constitution to allow the creation of a special EU-backed court to examine war crimes allegedly committed by ethnic Albanian guerrillas during the 1998-1999 war.
04 августа 2015
British PM wants EU employment law exemption: reports Prime Minister David Cameron is seeking a British exemption from European Union employment laws as part of his push to gain more autonomy from Brussels.
11 июля 2015
Russian MPs pass 'right to be forgotten' Internet law Russian lawmakers passed a bill allowing people to force Internet search engines to remove links to data about them.
04 июля 2015
Kuwait makes DNA tests mandatory after IS bombing Kuwait's parliament, reacting to a suicide bombing last week that killed 26 people, adopted a law requiring mandatory DNA testing on all the country's citizens and foreign residents.
02 июля 2015
South Korea passes new law to curb MERS outbreak South Korea has introduced a new law designed to curb a MERS outbreak, tightening quarantine restrictions and imposing jail sentences on those who defy anti-infection measures.
26 июня 2015

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