site.news_by_theme Israel

Israel can only rely on self against Iran threat: PM Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday that Israel cannot rely on any other country, even an ally, when it comes to facing up to the perceived nuclear threat from Iran.
08 апреля 2013
Israeli aircraft hit Gaza in first strikes since November Israeli aircraft carried out apparent warning strikes in the Gaza Strip early Wednesday, hitting empty fields after a militant rocket earlier struck waste ground in southern Israel.
03 апреля 2013
Mideast peace deal will demand huge risks: experts Bold choices are needed to coax the Middle East peace process back to life, including bringing Hamas off the sidelines, which may risk tearing the new Israeli cabinet apart.
29 марта 2013
Palestinians want Obama to end 'passivity' on peace Palestinians want President Barack Obama's milestone visit this week to lead to a more active US approach to resolving the conflict with Israel.
20 марта 2013
Obama sets off for Israel charm offensive Barack Obama was on his way to Israel Wednesday for the first time as US president, hoping to ease past tensions with his hosts and under pressure to narrow differences over handling Iran's nuclear threat.
20 марта 2013
Tribunal calls on ICC to probe Israeli 'crimes' in Palestine The Russell Tribunal on Palestine (RToP) called Sunday for the International Criminal Court to investigate "crimes" committed by Israel in the territories as it wrapped up four years of investigation.
19 марта 2013
Israeli company to set up beef production near Almaty This is the first time Israel is going to invest in a project and not just sell technologies or goods, Mikhael Roe, Israel-Kazakhstan Chamber of Commerce.
18 марта 2013
Obama coming 'to listen' to Israel, Palestinians US President Barack Obama said Thursday his forthcoming trip to Israel and the Palestinian territories was to "listen" to both sides and hear their views on how to move forward after over two years without peace talks.
16 марта 2013
IMF calls for 'urgent action' to boost Palestinian economy The International Monetary Fund (IMF) Thursday called for "urgent action" to help revive the Palestinian economy, saying it had been choked by Israeli restrictions and political uncertainty.
15 марта 2013
Kazakhstan’s President Nursultan Nazarbayev meets his Israeli counterpart Shimon Peres The two leaders discussed bilateral economic cooperation. Notably, they dwelt on interaction in agriculture and innovative technology.
15 марта 2013
The grave of Ben Zygier. ©REUTERS/Brandon Malone Australia confirms 'Prisoner X' worked for Israel Australia on Wednesday admitted for the first time that a man found hanged in a Tel Aviv jail worked for the Israeli government.
06 марта 2013
'We mean it,' Israel's Barak tells Iran on nuclear arms Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak warned Iran on Sunday that Israel would never allow Iranian leaders to develop a nuclear weapon, as he addressed a powerful US-Israel lobby.
04 марта 2013
Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. ©REUTERS/Baz Ratner Israel to delay settlement starts for Obama trip: report Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has banned settler housing tenders being issued for the West Bank and east Jerusalem when US President Barack Obama visits this month.
01 марта 2013
Palestinian tensions set to persist until Obama visit Clashes that flared in the West Bank after a Palestinian died in Israeli custody are unlikely to turn into a third intifada, but each side will use them when US President Barack Obama visits.
27 февраля 2013
Rocket fired from Gaza Strip hits southern Israel: police A rocket fired from the Gaza Strip landed early Tuesday near Ashkelon in southern Israel, police said, in the first such strike since a November truce.
26 февраля 2013
Israel calls for calm as militants vow revenge Israel has called on the Palestinian Authority to rein in unrest as militants vowed revenge over the death of a prisoner whom the Palestinians allege died under Israeli torture.
26 февраля 2013
Israel PM: exposing intelligence harms security Exposure of intelligence activities can "badly damage" state security, Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday in his first remarks on the arrest and death of a jailed Australian-Israeli with Mossad links.
18 февраля 2013
Uproar at Mossad over Australia spy story: reporter Mossad went into crisis mode when it heard the "Prisoner X" story was about to break, the Australian reporter responsible said Friday, amid claims the jailed man had been set to reveal sensitive operations.
15 февраля 2013
Australian Foreign Minister Bob Carr. ©REUTERS/Dinuka Liyanawatte Australia admits it knew of 'Prisoner X' in detention Foreign Minister Bob Carr admitted Thursday Canberra knew an Australian had been detained by Tel Aviv in 2010 for national security offences, as media suggested he may have been held for treason.
15 февраля 2013
Photo courtesy of Israel censor eases some restrictions over 'Prisoner X' The Israeli censor on Wednesday slightly eased tight restrictions on the death of "Prisoner X", allowing the press to publish excerpts of an ABC report which said he was an Australian with ties to Mossad.
13 февраля 2013

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