site.news_by_theme Healthcare

Four-in-10 Japanese are virgins: poll More than 40 percent of young Japanese single adults are virgins and almost three-quarters of men are not in any kind of relationship.
19 сентября 2016
Study of exhaust particles hints at Alzheimer's risk Microscopic particles, possibly from air pollution, have been found in human brain tissue, according to a new study into Alzheimer's risk.
06 сентября 2016
Kazakhstan cafe kicks stigma with mentally disabled staff 40-person staff is exclusively composed of patients from local psychiatric institutions in Training Cafe in Almaty, Kazakhstan.
05 сентября 2016
Singapore wages war on Zika-bearing mosquitoes Singapore officials went door-to-door Monday to wipe out mosquitoes after the discovery of 41 locally transmitted cases of Zika virus.
29 августа 2016
Beyond wheatgrass: vegan junk food is all the rage Vegan diets are considered as healthy and environmentally responsible, with benefits like weight loss, clear skin and increased energy.
10 августа 2016
A patient is tested for diabetes. ©Reuters Number of adults with diabetes has quadrupled since 1980: WHO The number of adults estimated to be living with diabetes has nearly quadrupled over 35 years: the World Health Organization
06 апреля 2016
Zika link to new, paralysing disease Causing brain damage in babies and a rare neurological ailment in adults, the Zika virus is also linked to paralysis-causing myelitis.
09 марта 2016
'Dentist of horror' on trial for mutilating French patients A Dutchman dubbed the 'dentist of horror' went on trial after causing horrific injuries to the mouths of more than 100 patients in France.
09 марта 2016
EU delays weedkiller decision amid cancer uproar The EU postponed a decision to extend the approval of a key weedkiller for another 15 years amid an uproar that it may cause cancer.
08 марта 2016
Photo courtesy of Growing obesity problem in Kazakhstan Obesity in Kazakhstan is becoming a serious issue. Nutritionists and scientists urge Kazakhstanis to reconsider their nutrition philosophies
13 ноября 2015
Photo © Yaroslav Radlovskiy Almaty among Top 100 liveable cities: Economist Intelligence Unit Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) rated 140 cities by livability. Kazakhstan's Almaty got the 100th place.
20 августа 2015
Photo courtesy of Kyrgyzstan fears outflow of doctors to Kazakhstan, Russia Accession to the Eurasian Union is having a negative effect on Kyrgyzstan's healthcare system.
10 июня 2015
Birzhan Nurymbetov. Photo courtesy of Vice Minister of Healthcare and Social Development appointed Birzhan Nurymbetov has been appointed Vice Minister of Healthcare and Social Development of Kazakhstan staring from June 1, 2015
02 июня 2015
©REUTERS Possible causes of negative reactions to measles vaccination Chief Kazakh Sanitary Doctor and Vice-Minister of Health and Social Development declare preliminary causes of the negative reactions to the measles vaccination conducted in February.
29 апреля 2015
The Sarbalin family. Photo © Aizhan Tugelbayeva Success of IVF in Kazakhstan: 10 thousandth baby born The Ten thousandth child has been born via in vitro fertilisation (IVF) in Kazakhstan.
22 апреля 2015
Photo courtesy of 'I eat fast food every day,' say 13% of Kazakhstani children The Ministry of Healthcare and Social Development has decided to take one of the biggest social problems - obesity among children - in Kazakhstan under a strict control.
01 апреля 2015
Photo courtesy of Drastic improvements in Kazakhstan oncology: increased financing and higher detection rates Chief Oncologist of the Ministry of Healthcare and Social Development Kuanysh Nurgaviyev has reported on positive trends in the oncological situation in Kazakhstan and explained the increase of new cancer cases.
21 марта 2015
Photo courtesy of Doctors in Kazakhstan may be forbidden to write on paper Minister of Health and Social Development of Kazakhstan Tamara Duisenova said that doctors in Kazakhstan would not be allowed to fill out papers while treating patients.
06 марта 2015
©REUTERS Measles vaccination in Kazakhstan: safe or not? Authorities in Kazakhstan and the WHO disagree on the safety of measles vaccination.
25 февраля 2015
©RIA Novosti Vaccination against measles in Kazakhstan puts teenagers into hospital beds Vaccination against measles in Kazakhstan went terribly wrong when dozens of teenagers were hospitalized in fever and unconscious to local hospitals.
24 февраля 2015

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