site.news_by_theme CNPC

China to fund $10 bn megarefinery in Ecuador China will finance most of the costs associated with building a $10 billion refinery in Ecuador, and become a partner in the megaproject.
23 января 2014
China to allow more private investment in state firms: report China will open its state-owned firms to greater investment by private companies, a state-run newspaper reported Monday, as media raise expectations over a top Communist Party meeting on economic reforms.
12 ноября 2013
©REUTERS Chinese CNPC to purchase a stake in the giant Kashagan oilfield for around $5 billion KazMunaiGas is to sell its stake, purchasing the stake of the exiting ConocoPhillips: Head of KazMunaiGas National Oil Company.
01 июля 2013
©REUTERS Russia against oil supplies to China across Kazakhstan at current export duty rate According to Russia’s Izvestiya newspaper, further implementation of the current taxation scheme may lead to Russia missing out on tax revenues of up to $ 1 billion a year.
08 октября 2012
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