site.news_by_theme children

Six children killed, maimed daily in Yemen since Saudi air strikes began: UN Six children have been killed or maimed daily in Yemen since Saudi-led air strikes began a year ago, the UN said Tuesday, warning the conflict was taking a horrifying toll on the country's youth.
29 марта 2016
©Reuters/Dado Ruvic
 Facebook ramps paid leave time for new dads With Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg about to become a dad, the social network boosted the amount of time fathers can take off to bond with their new babies.
28 ноября 2015
Frame from TengrinewsTV video. Kazakhstanis offer condolences over Russian plane crash in Egypt Kazakhstanis were laying flowers in front of the Russian Embassy and Consulate General in Almaty and Astana expressing their deep condolences to families of the victims of Airbus 321 crash.
18 ноября 2015
Photo courtesy of Growing obesity problem in Kazakhstan Obesity in Kazakhstan is becoming a serious issue. Nutritionists and scientists urge Kazakhstanis to reconsider their nutrition philosophies
13 ноября 2015
David Beckham launches UN appeal to protect kids Football legend, male model and father of four David Beckham went to UN headquarters in New York to call on world leaders to end violence against children.
25 сентября 2015
Photo © Vladimir Prokopenko First skatepark opens in Almaty The first skatepark has been opened in Almaty.
03 сентября 2015
'Cure' for Chernobyl children: sun, sea, clean air in Portugal Anya wasn't even born when Chernobyl exploded nearly 30 years ago, but even today its radioactive fallout stalks her and other Ukrainian youngsters growing up near the disused plant.
29 августа 2015
Daneliya Tuleshova. Photo courtesy of Young singer from Kazakhstan wins people's choice award at Junior New Wave singing contest 9-year-old Daneliya Tuleshova has been awarded the People’s Choice Award at the Junior New Wave-2015 contest in Crimea, Russia.
24 августа 2015
Photo courtesy of "Nasha Gazeta" 'Shooting corrupt officials' in Kazakhstan proves controversial A humoristic anti-corruption campaign in Kazakhstan's Kostanai turns sour?
20 августа 2015
Photo courtesy of Why we need to dispel myths about suicide in Kazakhstan? Teenage suicide remains a pressing problem in Kazakhstan that is not addressed with due seriousness.
14 августа 2015
Photo © Roza Yessenkulova Mother from Almaty gives birth to fantastic four A mother from Almaty has given birth to quadruplets.
14 августа 2015
UN chief sacks C.Africa mission head over peacekeeper sex abuse claims UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon announced he had fired the mission chief in the Central African Republic, declaring "enough is enough" after a string of allegations of child sex abuse by peacekeepers.
13 августа 2015
Photo courtesy of Pros and cons of chemical castration discussed in Kazakhstan Kazakhstan is considering pros and cons of introducing chemical castration for convicted pedophiles.
11 августа 2015
Adil Kabylda with the Governor of Pavlodar Oblast Kanat Bozumbayev. Photo courtesy of the region's Education Department. Kazakh student wins International Chemistry Olympiad A student from Kazakhstan's Pavlodar has won the International Chemistry Olympiad held in Baku, Azerbaijan.
31 июля 2015
Hard lives of China's 'left behind' children Deep in the Chinese countryside, the lives of Liang Yuxiu and her brother Zhaolu epitomise the cost of decades of breakneck economic growth.
24 июля 2015
Ukraine rebels train child soldiers in the making He is only 14 but already knows how to assemble a Kalashnikov rifle. Denis is a child soldier in the making.
24 июня 2015
Illustration © 86 teens committ suicide in 5 month in Kazakhstan Prosecutor General’s Office has reported 86 suicide cases among teenagers in Kazakhstan.
17 июня 2015
Photo courtesy of Surge of paedophilia in Kazakhstan: Prosecutor General raises alarm Prosecutor General of Kazakhstan speaks about the surge of sexual violence in Kazakhstan, particularly against children.
12 июня 2015
© Another schooling year ends in Kazakhstan Solemn ceremony traditionally called Last Bell, which marks the end of the schooling year, was held in Kazakhstan’s schools on May 25.
11 июня 2015
Amina Kairbekova Photo courtesy of the National Union of Chess Players Kazakhstani children bring 8 medals from Asian chess championship Children's team from Kazakhstan won 8 medals and the 4th place in the general ranking at the world chess championship in Singapore.
09 июня 2015

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