site.news_by_theme Barack Obama

Obama backs new gun reforms as Newtown grieves President Barack Obama pledged Monday to vigorously pursue "sensible" gun control but, a month after a school massacre traumatized America, questioned whether tough new laws could pass Congress.
15 января 2013
US President Barack Obama. ©REUTERS President Nazarbayev invites Barack Obama to visit Kazakhstan January 14 Kairat Umarov, Kazakhstan’s Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the USA, presented credentials to the US President.
15 января 2013
Obama team launches inaugural mobile app Organizers unveiled the first-ever smartphone app for a US presidential inauguration on Monday, allowing users to track Barack Obama's swearing in, sign up for events and check maps for the closest toilets.
15 января 2013
Obama: US to speed up Afghan troop transition President Barack Obama on Friday said NATO troops would speed up a transfer of lead security responsibility to Afghan forces this spring, in a sign the pace of US troop withdrawals could quicken.
13 января 2013
Champagne faux pas at Obama inaugural luncheon? Would champagne by any other name taste as good? For French producers, the answer is a resounding "non".
11 января 2013
US plays tough with Karzai on Afghan troops US officials plan a mix of hardball negotiating and flattery during a visit by Afghan President Hamid Karzai as President Barack Obama decides how deeply to cut forces in America's longest war.
11 января 2013
Obama lines up Jack Lew for Treasury President Barack Obama was expected to name Washington veteran Jack Lew as his next Treasury chief as early as Thursday, stocking his team for the next tense budget showdown with Republicans.
10 января 2013
Egypt's Morsi to urge Obama to free blind sheikh Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi has said he will urge US President Barack Obama to free the blind sheikh jailed for the 1993 World Trade Center attack.
09 января 2013
Obama to host Afghan president Friday at White House US President Barack Obama will host Afghan President Hamid Karzai at the White House on Friday for talks centered on the long-term security compact between the two countries.
08 января 2013
Obama picks new CIA, Pentagon chiefs US President Barack Obama on Monday nominated controversial former Republican senator Chuck Hagel to lead the Pentagon and proposed that hard-nosed counterterrorism czar John Brennan to head the CIA.
08 января 2013
Obama says fiscal cliff deal made tax system fairer President Barack Obama said Tuesday he had fulfilled a campaign promise to make the US tax system fairer with a deal to avert the fiscal cliff crisis that passed after a fierce duel in Congress.
02 января 2013
Obama signs law against Iran's influence in Latin America President Barack Obama enacted a law Friday to counter Iran's alleged influence in Latin America, through a new diplomatic and political strategy to be designed by the State Department.
31 декабря 2012
Obama 'modestly optimistic' for fiscal deal President Barack Obama said Friday he was "modestly optimistic" a last-minute deal was possible with Republicans to avert a "fiscal cliff" crisis that could spark a recession and rock global markets.
30 декабря 2012
Obama breaks off vacation to deal with fiscal cliff President Barack Obama was to cut his holiday short and head back to Washington on Wednesday to try to address the "fiscal cliff," a set of tax hikes and spending cuts to take effect next year.
27 декабря 2012
US House Speaker John Boehner. ©REUTERS Obama, Boehner spar on fiscal cliff, deal may go to wire US President Barack Obama and House Speaker John Boehner dueled over the fiscal cliff Wednesday, and despite narrowing differences remained stubbornly at odds over how to avoid looming tax hikes and spending cuts.
20 декабря 2012
Obama wants concrete gun proposals within a month President Barack Obama put ending an "epidemic" of gun violence at the top of his second term agenda Wednesday, denying he was "on vacation" on the issue before last week's school massacre.
20 декабря 2012
Obama tells Rwanda to end DRC rebel support US President Barack Obama on Tuesday called on Rwandan President Paul Kagame to end all support for rebels in the conflict-wracked Democratic Republic of Congo.
19 декабря 2012
Obama, Boehner meet in fiscal cliff talks President Barack Obama and Republican House Speaker John Boehner held surprise talks Thursday, as time ran short for hopes of a pre-Christmas deal to solve a fiscal crisis that could cause a recession.
14 декабря 2012
In long-awaited move, Obama recognizes Syrian rebels President Barack Obama proclaimed Syria's newly reframed opposition as the "legitimate" representative of the nation's people Tuesday.
13 декабря 2012
Low-key start to second term for Obama President Barack Obama will begin his second term in low-key fashion, with a small private swearing-in ceremony on January 20 before he takes the oath of office before the eyes of the world the next day.
08 декабря 2012

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