site.news_by_theme award

Olympic champions Svetlana Podobedova, Zulfiya Chinshanlo and Maya Maneza. ©Al-Farabi Kazakh State University's press-service Olympic weightlifting champions got Toyota Land Cruisers Kazakhstan female weightlifters Zulfiya Chinshanlo, Maya Maneza and Svetlana Podobedova took part in the awarding ceremony in Taldykorgan.
17 августа 2012
©REUTERS Kazakhstan Paralympic athletes depart for London on August 22 Kazakhstan Paralympic winners will get money prizes of $50,000 for gold, $35,000 for silver and $25,000 for bronze medals.
14 августа 2012
Lukpan Akhmedyarov. Photo courtesy of Kazakh journalist wins Peter Mackler prize An investigative journalist in Kazakhstan who survived an attempt on his life is this year's winner of the Peter Mackler Award for Courageous and Ethical Journalism.
10 августа 2012
Kazakhstan is third among countries with most generous Olympic money prizes Kazakhstan will award its Olympic champions with $250,000, silver prize-winners with $150,000 and bronze prize-winners with $75,000.
07 августа 2012
Kazakhstan will award its Olympic winners with biggest money prizes Kazakhstan and Malaysia promise the most generous money prizes to their Olympic winners.
30 июля 2012
©REUTERS Kazakhstan paralympians to get $50 thousand for gold Seven paralympians will represent Kazakhstan at London Olympics.
11 июля 2012
Mozart's Coronation Mass during the closing ceremony of the Festival. Photo courtesy of the Conservatory Kurmangazy Сonservatory Choir awarded in Vienna Choir Competition Almaty-based Kurmangazy Сonservatory Student Choir has been awarded with two Gold Diplomas of the 28th International Franz Schubert Choir Competition.
21 июня 2012 stock photo Kazakhstan banknote named best in the world Kazakhstan commemorative banknote with a nominal value of 10,000 tenge has been acknowledged The Banknote of the Year by IBNS.
05 июня 2012
Almaty Subway. Photo by Vladimir Dmitriyev© Almaty Subway won International Award Almaty Subway was awarded with The Golden Chariot International Public Transport Prize.
28 мая 2012
©REUTERS/Eddie Keogh Kazakh Olympic champions will get twice as much as Russian ones Kazakhstan 2012 Olympic champions will be rewarded with twice as much money as their Russian colleagues.
28 апреля 2012
2012 London Olympic Games set of medals. ©REUTERS Kazakhstan athletes to get $250 000 for London Olympics gold Kazakhstan athletes will get $250 000 for London Olympics gold medals.
20 апреля 2012
Photo courtesy of A guy from Nigeria launched a new musical award for Kazakhstan singers The Chosen Music Awards have kicked off in Kazakhstan.
11 апреля 2012
Illustration by wins Namys Doda Internet-award The results of the new professional Kaznet award called Namys Doda were announced.
09 апреля 2012
Illustration by Almaty will host Muz-TV Music Award on June 3 Muz-TV Pop Music Award will be held in Almaty on June 3.
03 апреля 2012
Denis Ten came seventh in Nice World Championship Kazakhstan figure skater Denis Ten came seventh in the Nice World Championship.
02 апреля 2012
Tim Burton and Indira Suleymenova. Photo courtey of Indira Suleymenova's personal blog at Tim Burton liked Kazakhstan's Black Swan Tim Burton liked Kazakhstan's remake of Black Swan movie that won "Done in 60 Seconds" competition in London.
31 марта 2012
"Anshy Bala" film frame. Anshy Bala got The Best Foreign Drama Award in USA Anshy Bala (The Hunter Boy) movie won The Best Foreign Drama Award in International Family Film Festival in Hollywood.
30 марта 2012
"The Black Swan" film frame Kazakhstan filmmaker won "Done in 60 Seconds" competition in London Remake of Black Swan movie made by Indira Suleymenova from Kazakhstan became a winner of 2012 Done in 60 Seconds competition.
28 марта 2012
© Kazakhstan women boxing team won four medals in Asian Boxing Championship Kazakhstan women boxing team has gained four medals in Asian Boxing Championship that was held in Mongolia.
28 марта 2012
The gold medal winner Serik Sapiyev. stock photo Kazakhstan boxers won four medals in German Halle Kazakhstan boxers won four medals in Halle International Boxing tournament.
20 марта 2012

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