02 августа 2012 10:40

Chinshanlo promised a kilo of ice-cream for Olympic gold


Kazakhstan national weight-lifting team’s staff of coaches has promised to present a kilo of ice-cream to Zulfiya Chinshanlo for the gold medal in the Olympic Games, Tengrinews.kz reports, citing Kazakhstan Sport and Physical Education Agency’s press-service. “I was working hard to loose weight and wasn't eating ice-cream, cakes and other sweet stuff,” the Olympic champion said. Chinshanlo promised to eat up all the food at the Olympic village’s canteen right after the press-conference. The weight-lifter said that she prefers kazy (horse meat sausages) in Kazakh national cuisine. Chinshanlo commented her Olympics victory and said that she had been dreaming of the highest award for five years. “I don’t want to recall all these years, otherwise I will burst into tears once again,” the 19-y.o. athlete said. The weight-lifter said that she was not planing to get married, because she was going to focus on her professional career and make her Kazakhstan fans happy with her new victories and records.

Kazakhstan national weight-lifting team’s staff of coaches has promised to present a kilo of ice-cream to Zulfiya Chinshanlo for the gold medal in the Olympic Games, Tengrinews.kz reports, citing Kazakhstan Sport and Physical Education Agency’s press-service. “I was working hard to loose weight and wasn't eating ice-cream, cakes and other sweet stuff,” the Olympic champion said. Chinshanlo promised to eat up all the food at the Olympic village’s canteen right after the press-conference. The weight-lifter said that she prefers kazy (horse meat sausages) in Kazakh national cuisine. Chinshanlo commented her Olympics victory and said that she had been dreaming of the highest award for five years. “I don’t want to recall all these years, otherwise I will burst into tears once again,” the 19-y.o. athlete said. The weight-lifter said that she was not planing to get married, because she was going to focus on her professional career and make her Kazakhstan fans happy with her new victories and records.
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