Kazakhstan's Minister of Education and Science Aslan Sarinzhipov unveiled the Technological Park (Technopark) at the territory of the Nazarbayev University in Astana in mid July, Tengrinews reports.
The Technopark was designed along with the university's partners from South Korea and United Kingdom. It is a multi-purpose facility designed for carrying out research in biotechnology, robotics, IT, renewable energy and mechanics. The Technopark will enable the university to do its own scientific research into practical application of new developments and even being them to commercial markets. The Technopark's main goal is to transform ideas into finished products.
"Opening of this Technopark signifies the beginning of the third stage of the Nazarbayev University that focuses on introduction of scientific developments into practical use. At the first stage, we developed and implemented academic curriculum, invited the best professors. At the second stage we built up a research and scientific base of the university. Currently, scientists with young graduates of Bolashak program (Kazakhstan's state eduction scholarship awarded to outstanding students to study abroad) are carrying out research at the Nazarbayev University. Thus, we can see the results of the second phase. And today we are launching the third stage," Aslan Sarinzhipov said at the opening ceremony, Kazpravda reports.
Not only students and professors can transform their into products in the new facility, but also entrepreneurs. Anyone who comes up with an interesting and feasible idea can try their hand. First, one need to apply to the Commercialization Center. The selected projects will not only receive a funding, but also a space to do the research, 24.kz reports.
The Technopark is a successful continuation of the plan to develop an intellectual-innovative cluster at the Nazarbayev University to get the university to evolve into a world-class research hub. It will help create a favorable environment for researchers and attract more investments into research.
Writing by Assel Satubaldina, editing by Tatyana Kuzmina