10 апреля 2012 17:59

Saudi Arabian citizens offered $10 thousand for the lamb with Allah and Mohammed signs


Allabergen lamb. Snapshot from the video of KTK channel Allabergen lamb. Snapshot from the video of KTK channel

Citizens of Saudi Arabia offered $10 thousand to the owner of the lamb from West Kazakhstan that was born with words "Allah" and "Mohammed" on its sides., channel 31 reports. “We have not come to any agreement on whether to sell the lamb or not yet. It was sent to us by God, that’s why we are taking care of it and are ready to raise it and enjoy our labor. We will think about the offer,” the lamb’s owner Sailaybai Mankenov said. The lamb with Allah and Mohammed signs of the sides was born in Zhana Omir village of West-Kazakhstan oblast. According to the Imam (the worship leader of a mosque and the Muslim community) of West-Kazakhstan oblast Amankossa Mussiregaliyev, this is the first case is Ural region, when the words Allah and Mohammed are clearly read on a lamb’s wool. The lamb was named Allabergen (given by God in Kazakh language).

Citizens of Saudi Arabia offered $10 thousand to the owner of the lamb from West Kazakhstan that was born with words "Allah" and "Mohammed" on its sides., channel 31 reports. “We have not come to any agreement on whether to sell the lamb or not yet. It was sent to us by God, that’s why we are taking care of it and are ready to raise it and enjoy our labor. We will think about the offer,” the lamb’s owner Sailaybai Mankenov said. The lamb with Allah and Mohammed signs of the sides was born in Zhana Omir village of West-Kazakhstan oblast. According to the Imam (the worship leader of a mosque and the Muslim community) of West-Kazakhstan oblast Amankossa Mussiregaliyev, this is the first case is Ural region, when the words Allah and Mohammed are clearly read on a lamb’s wool. The lamb was named Allabergen (given by God in Kazakh language).
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