14 октября 2013 20:48

Kazakhstan Agency for Religion comments hijabs at schools


Kazakhstan Agency for Religious Affairs has commented the ban on wearing hijabs at schools, Tengrinews reports. According to the Agency, hijabs are currently manifesting themselves as a problem mainly in the educational sector. The Agency said that according to the Education Law, hijabs were banned in educational facilities, as Kazakhstan has “secular, humanistic and developing education”. The Agency and other state authorities are performing a comprehensive work to explain the secular principles. “Kyz Zhibek women’s clubs have been established in universities. The club is mainly aimed at supporting development and formation of the balanced personality in Kazakh women based on national traditions and values of Kazakhstan. The clubs are called to become centers of traditional values where female representatives of different generations, professions, cultures and religions can get together,” the authority said. Kazakhstan is a secular state where government decisions, including the ones on regulation of different areas of people’s lives, are made based on best interests of the society as a whole and not on requirements of one or other religion, the Agency stressed. “The rich Kazakh language does not have the word ‘hijab’. Kazakh women have always been free, they did not cover their faces or turn to hermitage. Kazakhs has a special respect to women. They were brought up to be modest, decent and well-mannered. These qualities were reflected not only in the character, but also in clothing, but they never wore the hijabs,” the Agency declared. The Agency also cited Kazakhstan President as saying that "wearing Arabic hijabs and sending our women back to the Middle Ages is not our path". Recently, members of the Majilis (Lower Chamber of Parliament) asked Kazakhstan Agency for Religious Affairs to express the official position of Kazakhstan on hijabs. By Altynai Zhumzhumina

Kazakhstan Agency for Religious Affairs has commented the ban on wearing hijabs at schools, Tengrinews reports. According to the Agency, hijabs are currently manifesting themselves as a problem mainly in the educational sector. The Agency said that according to the Education Law, hijabs were banned in educational facilities, as Kazakhstan has “secular, humanistic and developing education”. The Agency and other state authorities are performing a comprehensive work to explain the secular principles. “Kyz Zhibek women’s clubs have been established in universities. The club is mainly aimed at supporting development and formation of the balanced personality in Kazakh women based on national traditions and values of Kazakhstan. The clubs are called to become centers of traditional values where female representatives of different generations, professions, cultures and religions can get together,” the authority said. Kazakhstan is a secular state where government decisions, including the ones on regulation of different areas of people’s lives, are made based on best interests of the society as a whole and not on requirements of one or other religion, the Agency stressed. “The rich Kazakh language does not have the word ‘hijab’. Kazakh women have always been free, they did not cover their faces or turn to hermitage. Kazakhs has a special respect to women. They were brought up to be modest, decent and well-mannered. These qualities were reflected not only in the character, but also in clothing, but they never wore the hijabs,” the Agency declared. The Agency also cited Kazakhstan President as saying that "wearing Arabic hijabs and sending our women back to the Middle Ages is not our path". Recently, members of the Majilis (Lower Chamber of Parliament) asked Kazakhstan Agency for Religious Affairs to express the official position of Kazakhstan on hijabs. By Altynai Zhumzhumina
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