28 октября 2014 00:08

Sanctions against Russia to have no impact on Kazakhstan: US Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs


Richard E. Hoagland. Photo courtesy of grabdmitry.com Richard E. Hoagland. Photo courtesy of grabdmitry.com

Sanctions against Russia will have no impact on Kazakhstan, a Tengrinews.kz journalist reports, citing Richard E. Hoagland, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs.

Sanctions against Russia will have no impact on Kazakhstan, a Tengrinews.kz journalist reports, citing Richard E. Hoagland, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs.


“I want to emphasize that when the USA and other nations were drafting sanctions, the sanctions were to be pin-pointed to be targeted at certain figures and companies. When doing so, the nations were fully aware that sanctions might have an impact on countries other than Russia. In this respect we have been cautious to ensure the sanctions have no effect on the other nations of the region, including Kazakhstan”, Richard E. Hoagland told a briefing.

“I want to stress the sanctions were developed and applied as Russia had fallen short of international standards and violated the order in Ukraine through its operations. We hope in the near future Russia’s Government will decide to step back from the moves it has been taking. Then the sanctions may be lifted”, he said.

“Violation of integrity of other nations’ territories is falling short of international standards”, he said, elaborating the USA sees the situation around the Crimea as violation of the integrity.

Richard E. Hoagland pointed out that on his current visit to Astana he was to meet high-ranking officials of Kazakhstan. “Kazakhstan is an important partner for us (…) we have been holding regular consultations to make sure we are good partners and friends”, he said.

Richard E. Hoagland was a US Ambassador to Kazakhstan from 2008 to 2011.

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